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Everybody Needs To Be Uncomfortable in 2021: Diversity and Inclusion

My very first article was published in a professional magazine (HRMagazine) almost exactly thirty years ago and it was titled: The Case For Valuing Diversity. At the time I was a young, idealistic first woman executive in a male-dominated utility and someone committed to helping this organization  go beyond compliance to actually embracing the idea […]

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Is Your Organization Putting a Stake in the Ground? Do You Want it to? By Suzanne Elshult/Your Executive Coach

Lately I have been doing some thinking around a discussion I had with my group of top HR executives a while ago. The general topic was around how organizations position themselves in the market vis-à-vis their values, a question we discussed in the context of knowing that consumers of products and services are increasingly paying […]

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Wellness is “out!” Human Performance is “in!” by Suzanne Elshult/Your Executive Coach with HRNow

Today my group of HR executives revisited “wellness” in a fascinating discussion which started out by declaring “wellness” a tired and antiquated concept. Somebody said “it feels like a checkbox.” In keeping with our commitment to challenge conventional thinking and ride the crest of the wave of what is new and exciting in our meetings, […]

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Are We Missing the Boat on Teams? Suzanne Elshult/Your Executive Coach with HRNow

Last week a small group of HR executives  (about a dozen HR Executive Forum members) braved the snowy road conditions in Seattle and spent a chilly morning discussing teams. Our discussion catalysts (Sandra Gilliland, Google, and Ben Bratt, Team Effectiveness Project) shared some interesting stats to get the dialogue going such as: • 97% of teams […]

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Disruption: How comfortable are you with discomfort? by Suzanne Elshult/Your Executive Coach/HRNow

Disruption was the topic for discussion at my most recent peer executive coaching group. Michael Erisman, CHRO with DocuSign and a long term member, was a cohort in designing this session and we were both juiced up about the subject, which we approached both on a personal and organizational level with participants. We all agreed […]

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Have We Framed up Diversity the Wrong Way for the Last 30 Years? By Suzanne Elshult/Your Executive Coach, HRNow

Research from McKinsey, Deloitte Bersin, and Catalyst all show that diversity leads to better outcomes. If that is the case, why is HR still struggling more than 30 years after the inception of diversity work to make a case to senior executives? Can you think of another business problem that companies have continued to stumble […]

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Performance Utopia, Guest post by Randy Rothschiller

Purpose of the performance review: to improve employee performance. In recent years, there’s been a continual and growing number of executives calling for death to the performance review.  In January the Human Resources Executive Form (HREF), a peer learning group facilitated by Suzanne Elshult, owner of HRNow, met to share experiences with transforming the performance review […]

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Should HR Drive Change? Are We Asking the Right Question? Guest post by Randy Rothschiller

Another lively and provocative discussion occurred amongst Human Resources executives from companies all around the Puget Sound region.  This group meets monthly and is part of a peer learning community facilitated by Suzanne Elshult, executive coach and owner of Peer learning communities like this one that Suzanne formed bring real, everyday challenges front and […]

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