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Suzanne Elshult

African Safari 2011
France / Italy trip
Rapelling the Tooth

Certified Executive Coach

Welcome!  I’m a certified executive coach and I live in the Pacific Northwest with my husband Scott and my two search dogs Bosse and Keb. My home office has a breathtaking view of the Puget Sound and the Olympics. Check out my slide show  to get a better idea of who I am and what makes me ‘tick’. You will see pictures of me on search and rescue missions, visiting my parents in Sweden in the little fishing village where they live, summiting peaks in the Pacific Northwest, Africa, Mexico and other parts of the world, on a katamaran in the Caribbean and more. My daughter Linnea lives in Ann Arbor with her husband Chris where they are both currently going through their residencies (in orthopeadic surgery and ob/gyn).

I find inspiration in nature and get emotional, creative and spiritual energy from the outdoors. I live in the Pacific Northwest by choice – unlimited opportunities for outdoors adventures: hiking, backpacking, climbing and skiing are all part of the allure for me!

My Professional Background

As a certified executive coach I come with over twenty years of experience as a senior leader in a variety of organizations, public and private, for-profit and not-for profit. In addition, as the President and founder of HRNow since 1995, I have provided executive coaching services and run strategic roundtables for organizational leaders in more than one hundred organizations.

I have a Master’s Degree from the University of California, Santa Barbara and Bachelor of Arts from the University of Lund, Sweden, have received the Best in America Award for innovation in people strategies, been recognized as Working Woman of the Year by Business and Professional Women (BPW), published numerous articles and frequently contribute to my blog

Who Am I Really?

My mission in life is to “build community”. Professionally my tagline is to “build community for leaders.” Many consider me a thought leader and as someone who has importantly impacted and provided opportunities for leaders, local and beyond, to engage with one another in meaningful ways.

On a personal level, “building community” for me means giving back to the world in a consequential way that is reflected in my commitment to mountain rescue and K9 search and rescue, involving many hours a week of volunteer time to meet our mission of “saving lives” in the Cascade Mountains and beyond. Check this brief documentary on the work I do with search k9s.

My mountaineering interest also has led me to continuously challenge myself physically/mentally by climbing locally and abroad, most recently summiting Kilimanjaro in Tanzania and Nevado DeToluca in Mexico.

I consider myself a “global citizen” and grew up in Sweden. My siblings and I all ended up spread out in different parts of the world. In my early 20s a graduate scholarship to study international conflict management at University California Santa Barbara brought me to the United States. I subsequently settled in Seattle and have dual citizenship – US and Swedish.

As someone that approaches the world from a perspective of generosity and curiosity, I believe in sharing, collaborating and “passing it forward” and am known as being tolerant, able to listen, engage in creative dialogue without judging and ask powerful questions. Moved!

certified executive coach