Join the Executive Coaching Conversation

HR Executive Forum Agenda – February 7, 2014

“Building Community for Leaders”


February 7, 2014


7:30 -10:00 am


Hosted by Mary Nelson, HR and Jerry Shaw Marketing
PEMCO Insurance Company
325 Eastlake Avenue E.
Seattle, WA 98109

Suzanne’s Cell: 206.227.5950

Internal Branding and the Role of HR/Marketing in Organization Culture and Change Management
Discussion Catalysts, Mary Nelson, HR; Jerry Shaw, Marketing, John Burgess, Marketing with PEMCO
Suzanne Elshult, Executive Coach

Session Theme  and Powerful Questions

Organizations are under increasing pressure to deal with uncertainty and change. market changes, mergers, rebrands, and/or new products. On top of these is dealing with the engagement of your workforce, culture and values of your organization. Change efforts must be communicated well internally and understood if they are to be translated into external success. Given a marketer’s strong communication skills and ability to translate the brand positioning into strategies and initiatives, the marketing department is ideally suited to partner with HR to support culture and change initiatives. We will be exploring that partnership in this session. Mary Nelson of PEMCO’s Human Resources area and Jerry Shaw with PEMCO’s Marketing department are hosting and will share their own experiences along with others.Bring your own experiences.

The overriding objectives of this session are to build understanding of HR’s and marketing’s role in organization culture and change management  and to identify how HR and marketing can partner to strengthen your brand internally.

Here are some of the powerful questions we’re considering:

  1. What role does internal branding have in your marketing /HR plan?
  2. What role do you, and your marketing organization/HR organization, have in building the culture of your company?
  3. What challenges have human resources and marketing departments faced in building a partnership for internal branding? What pitfalls should you avoid?
  4. How can marketing and HR partner optimally to support change management?
  5. What do you want your personal role to be around culture and change? How do you want to be viewed by your peers, by your employees? What legacy do you want to leave?
  6. What steps can you take now to support culture and change management?
  7. What tools can help with these efforts? What role do social media networks play in this whole thing?

Come prepared to engage!